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U.S. Perspectives on Total TV Advertising

March 2024

Explore our findings addressing investment strategies within the U.S. TV advertising ecosystem, including traditional broadcasters, Pay TV, streaming platforms, ad agencies, and brands.

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Productivity Boost: Enterprise productivity suite market dynamics

May 2023 Technology

Led by Partner Patrick Marshall and Director Abhishek Mitra, Altman Solon’s inaugural Productivity Suite Survey, in collaboration with Cowen, gleans insights from nearly 600 IT decision-makers across business sizes and industries into the state of the growing productivity suite market and trends gaining momentum within the global cloud space.
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Pre-Packaged to Custom: Developing and deploying enterprise generative AI tools

May 2023 Technology Generative AI Putting Generative AI to Work - 2023

Enterprises that want to adopt generative AI tools face more complex choices compared to when they adopt well-established enterprise Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions. How a company opts to develop and deploy generative AI tools brings tradeoffs across security, tool customization, licensing fees, deployment costs, scalability, time to deploy, and availability of internal skillsets.
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Cloud Partners Focus on Analytics, Security, and Multi-Cloud

March 2023 Technology

Altman Solon has developed a Cloud Partner Database that analyzes certification trends and the business performance of over 60,000 credentialed cloud partners globally. This database helps cloud partners and buyers define expansion strategies and inform investment decisions in a highly competitive cloud services market.
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A Multiverse of Metaverses

November 2022 Media Technology

While not new, the metaverse got significant media attention since the rebranding of Facebook into Meta in Fall 2021. Since then, everyone from large vendors to market watchers have weighed in on what defines the metaverse, how it will evolve over the coming years, and what organizations can and should consider in this dynamic market.
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Tuning In to the Future of Video

May 2022 Media

Altman Solon's Consumer Video Survey of 5,000 U.S. consumers offers insight into the changing streaming landscape, how programmers are finding new ways to reach consumers, who are in turn rethinking the way they subscribe to and watch television.

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